Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Let it Go

The song "Let it Go" from Frozen has had a resonant voice within many of us. We all yearn to free ourselves from the constraints of our own thinking and ideas that create a sense of loss of our self and the feeling of living inside a straight jacket. We feel bogged down by messages that swirl all around us and through us until we cannot even discern between them and what is truly coming from our own internal knowing and participation in life. I have lived for a long time in my mind, deciding from moment to moment the action needed because of something external to me. I could hold it up reason it out, and thinking it sounded like a good plan, could even bring it into my internal sense of knowing and begin acting from that place. The problem with this- dissonance, as opposed to resonance, dissonance divides, creates a feeling of directive in one sphere of our being and a feeling of sadness and loss in the other. Because of the directive coming from our intellectual mind, and sometimes even our emotional mind, when we bring the things we want to believe down into the place of our living, we feel the very reason, through our belief that this, directive, is the "right" thing. Here is where the challenge lies. The directive, must be coupled with a resonant participation in life in order to be of value and as Christ said to bring forth the "fruits". Sometimes we can convince ourselves, as Else did in the movie "Frozen" that what we are doing is for the best good, but while we feel the high on the outside, we can see the conflict inside. Sometimes it takes a long time of living this way before it becomes apparent, especially if we separate our directive from the resultant response in our bodies. We feel fear, a constant source of anxiety, sadness, depression, anger and the list could go on and on, but we tuck them neatly inside, separating them from what we perceive as our real life. We have learned to disconnect from that part of ourself and take our body apart from our actions , we seek help by medicating away the separation we have created. We refuse to acknowledge the energy that is created in our lives, by our choices and wonder what happens to it when we do not act upon the power within us, kind of like Elsa in "Frozen". A latent power, that fills her with fear of herself, at every breath trying to control and bring into it submission of the mind's directive. But is not the power we hold a great gift of God in our life? Is it not meant to be understood shared and used? We know that too, but we reason that the directive controlling everything in our life has to control the power as though God in his infinite wisdom would put the power to direct this in our ego center, our rational, thinking centre, instead of the centre of our heart, our ability to love. Does not love control all that is of value in this world? It seems to me that love is the only real power. That power if used under the mandate of truth and God's love really can go awry. But, that power, that love is within us, not without. God is within us, not without. Everything without is just an interpretation of God's ideas in someone else's life. The only way we truly know him and how to love is when there is nothing that gets in the way of sitting with him. Our ego, gets in the way, other people's ideas get in the way. Why is it that when we are making a life changing decision we look without, as much as we look within, as though we can never fully trust the love within? The challenge we face is trying to truly understand what it looks like to look within. There are beliefs about ourselves and the world that swirl around and cause us to misuse the very gifts that make us alive, so we become afraid of them, never wanting to use them again. Suppression brings more fear of their use, and with every misstep, the fear of the gift becomes greater and greater, until total suppression is the only option. But Christ came to bring us life. Suppression is death. Life comes from Christ. Life comes from opening to all the energy, all the power, all the truth. We will be clumsy as we begin to use this power. We will make mistakes, as with anything we will learn. In fact the only way to learn is to make the mistake. The mistakes are the greatest catalyst to who will seek to become. So, we yearn to let it go. And we must, we must learn truth around letting go. We must gain understanding around the power of who we are and the energy and life we carry inside of us, but the very best way we learn, is the total participation of our energy of life with the experiences of life. Then we understand the beauty, power and potential of letting go. With that comes joy, health, beauty, life and recognition of truth that would otherwise never be experienced. So, today, use your love and find yourself in letting go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moSFlvxnbgk

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