Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The power of Christ in our lives……………...

Where and How does the real power of Christ enter our lives? That is the question. So, My heart always told me that to get to real truth I needed Christ, a power above myself and one that could beneath me to lift me up. But the real question was how. There are many man made ideas, first of who God is and second of what he expects of us. When you look at the Hebrew name for Jehovah, JHWHY, which means I AM that I Am, or Being becoming, or a being discovering himself. I thought about that and it crossed my mind that we are a little like that a being discovering himself. I wondered how He is discovering himself and then it crossed my mind that perhaps it is through us. See, if I need Christ to fully be who it is that I have the potential to be, His power or a portion of him is and becomes alive in me to lift me above the instinctual wanderings of being human and the rational demands of the intellectual mind. He meets us in those places and brings our desires above the elements that would make us nothing more than animals. The power of love is his lifting power and through the Holy spirit we are brought to knowledge of truth, a recognition of truth that allows those instincts to rise through love and understanding of their generating power in our life. Without Christ those instincts would leave us no better than the animals. The channeling power of his knowledge and love lift us into a place of distinct generation of something more out of what would just be something less. It moves us into a spiritual realm, and brings light and life to our action. The same holds true with the intellectual rationalization that characterizes our humanity. Our ego nature wants to control, rationalize and moralize. Keeping constant control over our being, holding tightly to the external expression. This is a polar expression of external control, vs external lack of control. Neither side linking us up with Christ, or has an internal representation. Either way we are not using the forces of life for our internal growth. See, Christ came to fulfill the law of Moses, the law of obligations and parameters and brought a new law, an law that invited us to open our heart, love him and those who belonged also in the sphere of our influence. So, love was the primary methodology to achieving the power of Christ over our minds. So, here we sit and I look at how Christianity has a powerful set of methods and external rules to drive our action and those who cannot drive the external rules, say "To hell with all of this and let everything hang out" TO really put it in perspective, neither side is any healthier, any closer to Christ. The Bible as we know it and claim to understand as we read it over and over again, we fail to realize that the version of the Bible we are reading was not originally written in English and the English that it was written in is not the language that we know. If you look very closely at the original language of the Bible it is interesting to note that Biblical HEbrew is not a word for word translation. Each letter in HEbrew has a representative meaning and then put together with other letters has an even larger representation, that is not literal, but provides an understanding that is very expansive and is more than a material event, but looks deeply into the archetypes that are represented in the process of describing, for example the creation, Adam, heaven and earth. It is so much deeper than we assume in our unidimensional language. And we study this in our ignorance and are so proud of what we think we know and then we try to in our pride impose our intellectual understanding, that we call spiritual on others. The funny thing is our discussions of faith really have nothing to do with faith, because the objects of our faith are man made, including the character of God and our understanding of his work. So, we are trusting all of our faith in what a man told us, not really in the complete relationship of Christ's love and truth in your heart alone raising you above the obstacles. This process of understanding truth has no man come between us and God, no man as interpreter, no man as the diviner, or how could He discover himself through us? In mirroring another and not allowing Him through our individual uniqueness to rise allowing a distinct and totally personal representation of Him through us we cannot represent Him, or our own unique being that he has made possible. Christ is in each of us, we don't have to look somewhere to find him. We don't have some set of rules that make us more approachable. We have things that lift us closer to him and things that cause us to feel the distance from who he is in us. He is so close and has never left us and will always save us from our intellect, our ego and our instincts to bring them all to a greater power and purpose in him.

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